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Monday, September 10, 2012

UBC Diploma in Accounting Program (DAP)

A few years ago, I decided to take the dive into the world of accounting via UBC's Diploma in Accounting (DAP) program. 
In hindsight, I probably would have saved myself a lot of time and agony if I'd just gone for a BCom and majored in accounting instead but that is a story for another day.

One thing that struck me when I was searching for information about this program was that there wasn't much at all.  The only exception were a few RFD forum threads from 2008 or earlier and even those didn't really provide the info I wanted.  So here I hope to answer some questions from the perspective of someone who's gone through the program.

This is where I should make a few caveats.

1. I had no accounting background whatsoever when I started (no accounting courses in high school, no commerce minor in undergrad, etc.).   
2. I also had no (or minimal) expectations of continuing into the accounting profession when I did this.  
So if you're looking for the account of someone who went through DAP and made it into a Big 4, this isn't it.

For me, what I did have was at least a year off before my next degree started.  I also thought that accounting might be a useful skill/back-up to have if my applications to my desired program didn't work out.  So in I went.

UPDATE (May 23, 2013):  I recently wrote up a comparison of the UBC DAP with UofT's MMPA and BCIT's accounting diploma.  See the post here.

Admission can be summed up in two words: not hard.  Yes, that also applies to those of you with GPAs hovering around the 60% mark.  Why?  Well, every university/faculty has their cash cow.  Guess which one is Sauder's?

Lecture halls are packed, especially in the intro courses (BUSI 293/294).  But then most of the lower level undergrad classes at UBC are anyways so that’s no surprise. 
Most DAP students were fresh out of undergrad, the majority of them BSc or BA majors with a few BCom/BBA students scattered around.  Occasionally we had some older students who wanted a career change, but they were rare.        

I started in September and finished the following August.  Most of the DAP students did the same; only a few were actually working full-time and so had to take the whole 2 years.  Most, if not all of the classes from September-April are held during the evenings from 6:30-9:30 PM.  One or two were held on Saturdays from 9AM-12PM.  The faculty's excuse was that most students were working (yeah right), although one does assume it also makes it easier to schedule classes at night when you're not competing with the other 35,000 daytime students on campus for classroom space.  

Courses: As you know, eleven courses are required for the diploma with the option of taking more if you're pursuing any of the CA/CGA/CMA track.  Guess how many I took. 

BUSI 293, 294, 335, 393 and 370 were the basic courses so most students chose to get these out of the way in term 1 or 2.  Although BUSI 370 was really a bit tough for those that had no finance background whatsoever (ie. me).  BUSI 335 can also be a pain if computer science is not your thing, so try to partner up with someone who's good at it (your database project is worth a chunk of the marks in that course).  

BUSI 353, 354, 355 and 455 are what students usually took next, leaving the more difficult BUSI 450 and 453 for last.  I've heard horror stories about 453 (Adv Fin Acct) but personally, I found the notes really good and it actually made sense.  Seriously, I rather enjoyed consolidations, now that I think about it.  Not to mention Chuck was the only professor for 453 (at least when I took DAP) so it's not like you could have avoided being in his class anyways if you wanted to graduate.

But then I'm also one of those people that found 355 (Taxation) tough even though everyone else seemed to breeze through it.  YMMV.

Word of advice: Pick your professors/lecturers carefully.  Every time before I decided on a course section, I would go on and check what former students had to say.  It always helps to pick the instructor with more lenient marking.  There’s no need to make your life more difficult.
Interestingly, the courses required for DAP are almost pretty much analogous to the courses that accounting majors in Sauder’s BCom program take, so in terms of accounting you’re definitely not getting the lite-version.

QM Prep Course: I didn't take it.  I turned out fine in the end even with my non-existent accounting background.  It just meant that I had to study a bit more during the first two weeks of BUSI 293.       

DAP Student Club: It's a great way to meet other DAP students and they host a bunch of informational events.  Of course, I never really participated in their activities either, so I can't really comment on this. 

Networking events (both Sauder and Student Club): They run a variety of these events throughout the year along with a bunch of CA office hours.  I been to a few of them and the main thing I got of them was that I really, really hated networking.  It feels so fake.  You have like 6 lemmings students surrounding each firm rep all trying to jockey for room and talk about stuff that the rep would find interesting.  5-10 minutes of this and then everyone would exchange business cards.  Rinse and repeat.   

CA firms: Quite a few people I knew from DAP were hired by firms such as BDO, Deloitte, PwC, etc.  Some others were hired by some smaller CA firms.   

DAP start date:  I would recommend starting in May because then you'll have finished four months of study when recruitment season comes around in September.  It's probably easier to convince recruiters that you want to go into the field when 1) you know what you're talking about (especially for those with a non-accounting background) and 2) you have the grades to back it up.   Also, if you don't make it the first time, you'll have another opportunity the following September.  Business cards can be printed out via the Student Club.     

That being said, there are A LOT of DAP students so understandably the competition come recruitment season (or even just for the relevant extra-curricular spots) is going to be tough.  And that's not even counting all the BCom students aiming for the same jobs.  Good grades will definitely help (although easier said than done at times!). 

To those of you in the DAP right now - good luck!  

If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll try to answer it.

UPDATE (May 16, 2013): Looks as though CMA-BC/ICABC/CGA-BC have finally decided to cooperate and begin offering a CPA designation in the next few years. More information about the merger here.


  1. Do you work as an accountant now? With 1.5 years left of a "useless" degree, I am considering applying to DAP when I'm done.

  2. @ nighttime nutella nourishment

    To answer your question - no I am not. My current degree program is in healthcare and so unrelated to accounting. However, all the DAP classmates that I still keep in touch with have managed to secure an accounting job (as far as I know).

  3. Hi mabl,
    I m from India, completed{electrical} background looking for a career in accounting. I came to know about DAP @ ubc through my friends cousin. I want to clarify some of the doubts regarding course and post course:
    1. Is the course benificiary?
    2. How many students do a class consist?
    3. Can we able to do part-time jobs on campus if so what is basic pay per hour and how many hours can we work in a week?
    4. On an average what is basic pay of salary(if i get job) after completing DAP program?

    1. Hii,
      Have you completed you studies at UBC -DAP?

  4. @ king 2

    1. I thought it was beneficial. If you means in terms of getting a job, I'd say your chances increase if you keep your grades at a B-average or higher.
    2. Anywhere from 30-80, depending on which one.
    3. Yes and the pay would depend on where you're working. Min wage is about $10 in BC right now.
    4. I think junior accountants at a big 4 might start out at about $35,000, but don't quote me on that.

  5. thank u for your reply mate

    other than big 4 if i get job in small firm how much of pay do they offer me?

    can u give me ur mail id so that we can chat regarding DAP programme when u r free
    my mail_id

  6. Hi mabl,

    Are you still studying at UBC now? What were some of the course outlines like (e.g., individual assignments, group projects, essays worth a large portion of the final grade, etc.)? Are all the classes conducted in the lecture halls? You mentioned some courses have smaller classes. Do you know around how many students are admitted into the program each year? Thanks.

    1. No, I'm not at UBC anymore, so please take my answers with a grain of salt. Most course grades were based purely on exams with a small percentage from assignments. And I honestly have no idea how many students started each year though I would estimate about 200?

  7. Hi mabi,

    I just sent a late application for the DAP program since I forgot the deadline and couldn't find any job with my degree. I was wondering if you could elaborate for us the job market of accounting and how long it took you to find a job after DAP.


    1. I myself did not continue into accounting after completing DAP for personal reasons. However, friends of mine from DAP were all able to secure a job within weeks after graduation (some did CSR work at banks...) although some of them took a year or two before they managed to transfer to a Big 4.

  8. When I hear of accounting, the big 4 always comes up to mind. I don't know much about the industry, but a lot of people seem to aim to work for those firms. What is the lure of the big 4, and how does it compare to working for a private company? I know you haven't tried it, but thanks for your input anyways.

    1. I would have thought that it was mostly the prestige factor, kind of like landing in a magic circle firm for law or into an Ivy League for undergrad. I think people also mentioned that most ppl that work for the Big 4 also tend to switch to industry after getting their CA designation though. Plus, maybe possible benefits smaller firms don't offer, perhaps?

  9. Thank you for the info. What are you doing now if I may ask? I have no accounting experience and have absolutely no future in what I'm doing right now. I've checked and not a lot of schools in Toronto right now have this type of program for this amount of time. Would you recommend I move to do this program and maybe have a shot later at jobs in Toronto?

    1. I'm in med school right now. While I do know one friend that moved to Ontario after completing DAP, I haven't kept up with her so I don't know how long it took her to secure an accounting job. However, in general it's probably better to study where you think you will be working... I guess it depends on how much money/time you think you can save by doing DAP versus a program in Toronto.

  10. First of all, I appreciate your posting, it really helped to get a quick grasp of the program. I myself am a sociology major, and although I really enjoyed my major during the undergraduate years, I am having almost no luck getting interview in the past 8 months. Hearing that health professions are really growing, I applied for occupational therapy program and luckily got accepted. At this point, i am debating between occupational therapy program vs ubc dap program that I got accepted as well and i am still having trouble deciding. Purely on more job security and accessibility, I am not sure which route would be more promising. I hear many OTs saying they are having hard time landing a job and also many with accounting diploma crying for the same difficulty. I see you now in a healthcare field, so itd really help if I can get some of your insights..

    1. Congrats on your acceptances to OT and DAP! :) I went straight to med school after completing DAP so I guess you can say that I thought the former would be a better option (though I really can't confirm that until I start applying for residency training...). However, DAP was more of a backup for me - if I had applied and gotten accepted to med a year sooner, I probably wouldn't have done DAP.

  11. hi mabl

    Thanks for your useful blog. it took over 1 year when you blogged but it gave me most useful info. can I ask somethings?

    first af all. I am not a Canadian permanent resident. I am from Korea and I got bachelor's degree in Business Administration in Korea. I have over 5 years' career related to accounting(just Korean GAAP). for personal reason. I have to live in Vancouver BC not states.

    1. Is DAP helpful to pass AICPA exam?
    I have no plan to live in Canada after completing DAP course. so I don't consider Canada CPA. but AICPA is meaningful in korea. I tried to pass AICPA exam during DAP period.

    2. Period
    If i get into DAP. I planed that I enter DAP Sep and I finish following June. Is it possible? according to DAP website. I applied up to 5 classes in Fall and Winter session and 3 classes in summer session

    1. I think DAP is more suited towards people with absolutely no accounting experience at all, so if you do take it, I think that a lot of your time will be wasted on the basics (which I presume you'd probably already know). I think you'll probably be better off taking one of those courses from the US CPA test prep companies as they're geared towards the US CPA exam.

      If you do decide on DAP though, I guess it is possible. I wouldn't recommend 5 classes for the ordinary DAP entrant but in your case, I suppose it may be do-able (though that is considered quite a heavy course load).

  12. Hi,
    Thanks for such an insightful posts. I applied for DAP and then I saw this post. I am not sure if I did the right thing but will appreciate if you could let me know on the following:
    I am 37 and have done 3 years bachelors plus 2 years masters. I have now over 10 years of work experience and CMA (US) and ACMA(India). I am also CPA (US) candidate with 2 papers in kitty. Please let me know if this program is right for me to get post study visa and later on settle in Canada.

    Your response will help me a lot. Thanks and warm regards

    1. If your goal is to immigrate to Canada, I'm not sure if DAP is the way to go about it considering your already extensive accounting experience. Rather, I would suggest looking into the accountancy boards for the province you prefer and seeing how they consider prior experience as part of your application.

  13. Hi mabi,
    I just got enrolled early this year, I picked four courses, but later on something was wrong with my student visa, so I could not come back to Van in a short time to manage the finals which means i will have to fail all of them.
    i am wondering if the DAP has a system that they will kick out all the students who fails every course in the first term? and will it influence me later when i am seeking for a job?
    Thank you

    1. Apologies for the late reply so I'm not sure if this will be any help since it's way past exam season now. In your case, I think you should have applied for special consideration to defer your exams...

      Hopefully everything turned out okay!

  14. hi!
    I'm here looking for some advice on whether I should pursue the DAP program. I'm currently in my last term doing Business Admin majoring in Finance and operations management. I want to get into accounting too thought. I'm contemplating whether I should graduate and take the DAP or add accounting onto my degree. I'm thinking a degree sounds better than a diploma. But doing the degree would take me another 3 terms but I only need to take 5-6 courses in the DAP. And I heard a lot of DAP students get hired by the big 4?
    What's your take on it?

    1. Hi! I personally don't think that you should get too hung up so much on the degree vs diploma thing as the only requirement for CPA is an undergrad degree (preferably in business which you have). I feel that the main purpose of DAP is to get you into an accounting job ASAP which should be the main goal. And yes, quite a few people I know from DAP have been hired by the Big 4. =)

  15. Hi, Mabi:

    You post is the most useful information out of the DAP website, thank you very much, it helps me a lot.

    I still have questions to ask, and very appreciate for your reply.

    I noticed you changed to medical school, i did research about job market in Canada, healthcare is really promising and I do find my self interested in it. However my background is Finance with a master degree. I am thinking shall I take DAP or medical program. The former is accounting, a little bit relate with what I have studied before, but I don't know if it is a better choice to start from beginning in healthcare? I am not Canadian, my goal currently is to settle down in Canada and find a good job there. In my case, can you give me any suggestions about what to choose?

    Thank you very very much, :)

    1. Hi Sabrina, thank you for your comments. As Canadian med schools seem to be limited to Canadians (and maybe students from the oil-rich Middle Eastern countries), I don't think med school in Canada would be a viable option...

      I guess I would suggest sticking with what you're familiar with which in this case would be on the business side of things. Just my two cents.

      Also, I was unofficially premed since my first degree so if anything, DAP was more of an anomaly for me than med school. Best of luck with whatever you decide!

  16. Hi Mabl,

    I am starting to explore the possibilities of going into accounting, and I was surprised that newly graduated students would earn so little as 35 000. Do you know how salaries rise and the median that it rises to?

    Also you mentioned you were aiming for CA, CMA or CGA. What was your planned route for attaining that through the DAP program?

    Did taking the DAP program help you get into a med school? Out of curiosity, what med school are you currently in?

    Thanks for all your help! Your article is very informative :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by! DAP fulfills a number of the prereqs needed for the three designations so it definitely helps. Of course, UBC isn't the only option for fulfilling prereq courses but it was one of the quickest.

  17. Hi I read your post on DAP for CA routes.

    (BTW I sent a msg on rfd, I will be checking both!)

    Do you know how DAP grads are doing? I know DAP is for people with non-accounting experience. Can DAP students find a part-time job while they are doing the program?

    Do you think there's a possibility for DAP grad to work in CA office? Does DAP somewhat guarantee a job? Can you give me stats who are working in the field. I don't mind relocating to other province after the program. And of those who got into CA firms, did they have some experiences with accounting or something?

    I am debating whether I should do DAP vs CPA Prep. I don't have much accounting experiences in my field of work. So, I feel networking is somewhat needed.

    Sorry for bombarding too many questions but I would appreciate if you
    share some information (any info is fine) and shed me some light.

    Thank you ! Have a great day!

    1. BC seems to be moving towards uniting the three accounting designations so accountant will be a CPA with the only difference being where you get your training hours/job.

      I've also answered your questions in the original blog post. I know it's a bit dense, but all the stuff I know about DAP is there already. Best of luck with your journey!

  18. Hey! I was wondering what was the cutoff average in your year? Now it is 65% for the last two years and you said it wasn't that difficult to get in. Thanks!!

    1. I knew people that got in with ~63% averages. I think at worst they might put you on probation for term 1 if you have below the entrance average so if you do okay on your DAP courses in term 1, they'll take you off it.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Hello,
    I am currently studying BA(HONS) Accounting and finance in UK and it is a 3 year program.
    I was interested in PG diploma program in accounting that the UBC offers.
    My following questions are - :
    1) Am I eligible for the course?
    2) If yes, after completing the course will I be eligible yo sit for CPA?
    3) Should I apply for normal student visa where i can also work for 3 years after completing my program?
    thank you

    1. I don't really see the point of doing DAP if you already have an accounting background. Your best bet would be to contact CPA Canada and see if you can get some credit for the courses you've taken already. That might actually be faster...?

      Just my two cents though.

    2. Hello,
      Thanks bro :)
      The thing is CPA Canada said that my credits are sufficient but 3 years are not enough as a bachelors degree and they want a 4 years education prior to be eligible for CPA. That's the only reason I am doing this course.

  21. Hey

    Do you attend med school in canada? You had a post on foreign schools, either way, your persiatance is beyond admirable and a viewpoint on your med school journey would be interesting

    Anyway, regarding dap, do you feel that completing the program, one could be resonably assures of obtaining the CPA designation? My primary interested is to attain the cpa as a way to move into a career in equity research , and this seems like a cost effective, almost too good to be true way to get it.

  22. Hi!

    For 453, did Chuck not consider your midterm mark if you did better on the midterm portion on the cumulative final?


  23. oh geez, i hope you still answer questions

    I just finished my first semester in a second degree comp sci program at ubc. I'm considering bailing and doing DAP or Law School (which I probably won't get into) but I have some questions.

    If you had to guess, what do you think the percentage of "young" people are (ie. recent university grads or <25 years old)

    Is DAP only for people interested in accounting? I'm interested in finance but I hear accounting is essential for finance.

    $35k starting at a big 4 is less than what I made in my past internship. Is that number really accurate?
